ENGL2330: Am Lit to 1865 (45778)
Payton, Jason
9:35 AM
Park Hall 250
This course will introduce students to key texts in the early American literary tradition from the colonial period through the mid-19th century. Our readings will explore a wide range of themes, including the following:
- Imperialism & colonialism
- Religion & culture
- Gender & sexuality
- Race & slavery
- Philosophy & literature
Major assignments will include:
- One short essay (5 pp.)
- One creative or critical final project (10 pp. or equivalent)
Required Texts:
We will read 7 whole texts (all the lenght of a novella). The current iteration of the course includes the following, though 1-2 selections may change.
- Bartolomé de las Casas: A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies
- Mary Rowlandson: A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson
- Thomas Paine: The Age of Reason
- Hannah Webster Foster: The Coquette
- Edgar Allan Poe: The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym
- Frederick Douglass: The Heroic Slave
- Henry David Thoreau: Walden
Interested students may reach out to me at jmpayton@uga.edu with queries about the course.