ENGL4060: Old English (17051)

Evans, Jonathan

MWF 3 :00 PM

Park Hall 0269

Class Meetings: MWF 3:00-3:50 p.m. Park Hall 269
Instructor: Jonathan Evans. 335 Park Hall; jdmevans@uga.edu; ofc.tel. 706.542-2229.
Office hours immed. before or after class, or by appointment virtually on any day, or via Zoom.

Overview:  This is a course in the Old English language; the goal is for students to learn how to pronounce, read, and translate Old English prose and, near the end of the semester, Old English poetry. In some respects, the course is similar to any course in any modern foreign language, with vocabulary quizzes, grammar tests, and translation exercises. Students who aspire to knowledge of the linguistic & literary topics that typified the academic focus of J.R.R. Tolkien will be gratified.  Occasionally, J.R.R.T.'s thoughts on Old English subjects come up for discussion.

For many years up to 2020, course-offerings in Old English were cross-listed to an equivalent course in the Linguistics Department; in recent years, however, the two courses have been split into two separate offerings, accommodating English majors and Linguistics majors separately.  For English majors, the course satisfies the Group 1A “Early Literature of the British Isles” and/or Group IV: “Language, Criticism, and Culture” distribution requirements for the major; it is also a prerequisite for follow-up Old English literature courses, including ENGL 4220/6220 Beowulf (Spring 2025), ENGL 4210/6210 Old English Literature (Spring 2026), and (for graduate students) any 8000-level seminar in Old English that might find its way onto the course schedule.  For Linguistics undergraduates, LING 4060 counts as an “in-major” elective; for Linguistics graduate students, LING 6060 counts towards the Historical Linguistics area of emphasis and as an elective in any other area. For everyone else, undergraduates and graduate students in any major, it also counts as the most important general elective any student could contemplate taking, as Old English is one of the reasons English Departments have existed, historically, in university programs since about 1920.  (More about this in class . . . )

Prerequisites?  There aren't any, except for 2000-level surveys, and even this requirement can be waived by the department's administrators under certain circumstances (contact Jonthan Evans for more on this subject if appropriate). Students who have had courses in a more highly-inflected language like Latin or German, or an introductory linguistics course such as LING 2100 (or more advanced courses in historical linguistics and other old Germanic languages) will have an advantage over those who have not; but even for those with no formal linguistic background, for whom this course is consciously and specifically intended, the first few lessons include a superficial introduction to this kind of language study, with general comments on phonology and phonetics, grammatical inflections – e.g., noun declensions and verb conjugations – and the syntax of OE sentences.  Every effort is made to accommodate students whose familiarity with grammatical categories and linguistic terminology is moribund or nonexistent -- many students were exposed to the rudiments of modern English grammar in the earlier years of their education prior to matriculating in the university but have since forgotten much.  We'll help get those who need it back on track with some general review. The last weeks of the semester are spent on translation of more lengthy passages of OE prose and some poetry. Note: Honors Option is available for this course: see Instructor for further details.

Assignments, Requirements, Written Work:  For the first 8 to 12 weeks, students will learn the rudiments of pronunciation, the essential grammar, and the basic vocabulary conducive for producing accurate written translations. We will expend no effort on learning “conversational Old English,” however, and in this sense ENGL 4060/6060 is less like a course in, e.g., modern German or Japanese, and more like a traditional course in classical Greek or Latin. A good bit of the in-class activity is devoted to presentation and discussion of the functions of various categories of the Old English parts of speech, with students reading aloud their translations of sentences and paragraphs appearing in the lessons and discussion of translation difficulties encountered, with (one hopes) helpful suggestions from the instructor. I administer many short quizzes, and the greatest proportion of the final course grade is the aggregated score on all these, converted to a percentage on a 100-point scale.  
    Nota bene: In recent years, the number of quizzes and short exercises over the course of the semester has averaged about two per week, with a total possible score numbering in the 700-800-point range; although the stakes for these individually has been small – generally, averaging about 20 points per quiz – the amount of class-time, as well as short-term anxiety associated with these quizzes, might have seemed excessive or even counter-productive to some students.  For this semester I will attempt to scale back on the number of quizzes, without sacrificing their utility as a mechanism for encouraging mastery of the grammar and vocabulary.  It is, in any event, something of a balancing act.

Required text:  
        Evans, Jonathan. An Introduction to Old English. Revised edition. New York: MLA, 2023. ISBN 9781603296533.  Note: there was an earlier, 2021 edition of this book, which might still be available on the used-book market; but the 2023 revision included correction of many small errors plus rephrasing of numerous passages to avoid any spurious implications seeming to connect the study of Old English language and literature, or Medieval studies more broadly, with recent socio-political developments favoring viewpoints on race, class, and gender that are best avoided.  You can use the old edition (i.e., "the o.e. of Intro to O.E."), but doing so would require you to make hundreds of corrections yourself by hand in your copy of the book.  I'd advise getting the 2023 one.

Supplementary (non-required) texts:  
    Hall, John R. Clark. A Concise Anglo-Saxon Dictionary, ISBN 0802065481
    Quirk, Randolph, and C.L. Wrenn,  Old English Grammar, ISBN 0875805604. 
    Moore, Samuel, et al., Elements of Old English, ISBN 9781556357800.  

Grading: Short quizzes on paradigms – e.g., definite articles, pronouns, noun declensions, verb conjugations, etc.– will be given on average once or maybe twice per week (see nota bene above). Throughout the textbook there are written exercises that may be assigned from time to time for out-of-class, and maybe online, homework. From time to time I may ask students to upload their translations of the readings for particular lessons to an “Assignments” dropbox on the ELC course platform,. There may well be two tests on verb conjugations and a test on noun declensions. There will be a final exam.
    Quizzes, homework assignments, and tests are graded a simple point system; the Final Exam will be graded on a 100-point system. The total accumulated grade points will be converted to percentages and assigned letter-grades as follows: 93-100=A; 90-92=A-; 87-89=B+; 83-86=B; 80-82=B-; 77-79=C+; 73-76=C; 70-72=C-, etc. The final course grade will be calculated as follows:

    Quizzes, exercises, tests, translations  66%
    Final examination                                  34%       

Historically, students have done very well on quizzes and homework, while test-scores and scores on the Final Exam have tended to result in a downward adjustment to what might possibly be inflated grades. Mathematically, the most important individual component of the course grade is the Final Exam.

Attendance; absence: Usually I will not be taking attendance in a formal way, but I encourage students not to miss any class-days if it can be helped. Absences for reasonable excuse (illness, unavoidable travel for weddings & funerals, etc.) will be given reasonably positive consideration.